Emergency Cabin

All creators & freelancers who work from home know that maintaining focus, energy, & physical activity can be challenging. The Yoga Pod is an exciting, fresh solution completely redefining the home office, providing maximum focus during every working hour and all the equipment needed for your physical activity during your breaks or after office hours. Out of all the Pods available, Yoga Pod has the additional shelving unit with a built-in foldable yoga table, an active sitting ball designed by Götessons, a branded Yoga Mat, and last but not least, exercise and fitness dumbbells together with TRX® Suspension Training System. Our off-site manufactured pod offers superior quality, complete with great service at the best possible price. So whether you’re looking for something traditional, or a modern addition to the garden – we have a product that suits all tastes. We create our buildings, here in our own factory, to the very highest of standards to be the most comfortable, attractive, robust, and long-lasting garden offices available.


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Welcome to the future

  • 7 square meters
  • Measurements 4.2 x 2.3 x 2.86 meters
  • Fully insulated
  • Electrical instalation
  • Electrical heater 1kW
  • LED Lights
  • Shelving Units
  • Götessons Office Ballz Active Siitting Ball
  • Hydraulic Foldable Table Eclipse
  • Yoga Mat


  • Biown Light that adopts to natural biorhythm
  • Aeris Muvman Active Sitting Chair
  • Set of Weights
  • TRX
Pod price £13’749 Pre-payment £2’000 GET FREE CONSULTATION HERE
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